Orpheus Chamber Singers

Your gift to Orpheus of any size:

  • Preserves and elevates the art of choral music with performances of works from the past six centuries

  • Provides free voice lessons for students at area high schools

  • Helps underwrite our student composition competition

  • Builds a community that features and supports local artists

Thank you for your generosity!


Other Ways to Support

Make a gift of stock

Orpheus accepts stock as charitable donations, subject to applicable law. Contact us for details.

Qualified Charitable Distributions

A QCD allows individuals who are 70 1/2 or older to donate directly to a nonprofit organization from a taxable IRA instead of taking the required minimum distribution. Checks can be mailed to:

Orpheus Chamber Singers, Inc.
PO Box 25132
Dallas, TX 75225

Tell a friend about Orpheus

Word of mouth works and it costs nothing—a majority of our patrons heard about Orpheus from a friend.

Corporate Matching

Check with your company to see if they provide matching donations. You can expand your donation to Orpheus at no additional cost to you.